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Urban Park WIP 01

This is a work in progress walk around of an urban park project I've been working on. I still need to adjust some light maps and textures and make some lighting adjustments. There are several plants and some furniture still missing as well.

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The idea behind the Argus project is an artificial intelligence machine.  It can move and interact with the environment in either a biped form or as a quadruped mimicking the movements of a big cat. This allows the Argus to move at speed over flat and steep rough terrain.  The Argus is designed to fill a number of rolls including, but not limited to: bolstering live troops on the ground, reconnaissance, border patrol, body guard, zero atmosphere or inhospitable locations, and command and control of Bushwhacker units on the ground.


​Design Notes: have some details and functions in mind, but I’m still trying to figure out how I want the arms and body to look.   



The idea behind the Bushwhacker is to have an armed and highly mobile programmable machine that could be tasked to protect something or a group of somethings without ever having to stop.
Example:  African elephants are being poached.  Local forces are to ill equipped to provide protection for the various heard.  The Bushwhacker would be deployed to watch over the heard twenty-four seven.
Details will come at a later date.
Design Notes: I am going to completely redesign the legs and feet.  I want them to have a more organic look to them.  I will revisit the weapon arms for the same reason.
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